News 1

Ever wondered how items you buy at Christmas get on on the store shelves?

Christmas is nigh upon us.

As Christmas rapidly approaches our last shipments of goods from China are being dispatched.   Christmas starts early for us – in fact many initial enquiries come in January and February with firm orders being placed by March, giving plenty of time for manufacture and shipping.  There are always a few last minute purchases to make.  It often feels a bit like walking down your local high street on December the 24th.   It’s full of people frantically rushing about trying to purchase those last minute presents, perhaps the ones they forgot!

At this time of year there is no time to manufacture so it’s all about purchasing available stock.  Shipping prices tend to rise too – it’s just supply and demand.  This year was a little different due to a downturn in global economic activity which kept shipping costs low.

What sort of things are retailers and wholesalers buying now?  Over the past month we have shipped clothing, electrical goods, Christmas decorations, Christmas trees, ornate cocktail glasses and LED dance floors – just in time for those Christmas office parties perhaps?   Christmas food cannot be shipped until the last minute and China is a big supplier of that Christmas favourite Chestnuts which are now on the high seas winding their way to Britain.

Chances are almost everyone in the UK will purchase something from China between now and Christmas such is the power and extent of China’s economy.  What will be in your stocking from China this Christmas?