The second Northern Powerhouse conference held in Manchester on 21st and 22nd February welcomed a major delegation of Chinese businesses looking for new commercial partnerships. The delegation was made up of members of the China-Britain Business Council (CBBC), The China chamber of Commerce UK delegation and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.
Their presence at the conference demonstrates China’s interest in doing business with and investing in Britain. This year with the commencement of Brexit imminent makes it all the more significant and important. Leaving the EU will open up a whole host of opportunities for trading with the world in general and China in particular. The delegation led by Mr Xu Jin are interested in a wide variety of business sectors but in particular telecommunications, healthcare, high level manufacturing, creative, trade and R&D. Mr Jin said at the conference today “China remains open to business opportunities across the region and we are eager to hear more from growing businesses who could benefit from Chinese partners. Now is the perfect time for the UK and China to collaborate, join forces and forge lasting trade relationships”
This delegation reflects the climate and attitude generally in the Chinese business community with a desire and willingness to trade with the UK. This combined with the relative weakness of the pound makes this an ideal time for companies both large and small looking to expand and enter new markets to seriously consider entering the Chinese market. With our experience and connections in China we are perfectly positioned to help companies achieve their goals.
For importers, although the fall in the value of the pound has added costs the recent slowing of the Chinese economy has meant fierce competition to secure your custom which will more than make up for the fall in exchange rate. Furthermore the freedom to trade which will result from Brexit plus the changing political climate, and in particular the cooling of trade relations between the USA and China further enhances the attractiveness of trading with China. Don’t miss out call us now to see how we can help.
Northern Powerhouse Conference Welcomes High Powered Chinese Delegation